26 September, 2014


My second card in autumn is another brown-shaded one, this time with another amazing image painted by Jelka Reichman. For me, I think it was the first time I stitched directly on the background cardboard. In fact, I wanted to stitch on white paper like I always do, and had already glued the brown cardboard on the card, but then I realized it would be much nicer to use autumn colours only. I think even the result shows the white cardboard wasn't really needed.
The card goes for the following challenges:
craftalnica - mushrooms
fadengrafikchallenge - autumn


  1. Ohh, ilustracije Jelke Raichman me vračajo v otroštvo in k Cicibanu. Hvala, da si nas spomnila, da obstajajo tudi prelepe domače ilustracije, katere se da prav lepo uporabiti na naših izdelkih.Čudovito si jih kombinirala z vezenino.
    Hvala, da si se nam pridružila v Craft-alnici. Pozdravček Lili

  2. Krasno si združila PP in motiv. Res je lepa.
    Hvala, ker si se nam pridružila na 117. izzivu CRAFT-alnice. Lp

  3. Zelo je lepa in lepo si jo sestavila :-))
    Hvala, ker tudi ti deliš gobice v naši CRAFT-alnici ... Srečno!
