20 July, 2016

Once upon a time...

... Our primary school teacher took us on a one-day trip to Poden/Bodental. We were told we would visit the Märchenwiese - which would mean fairytale pasture - and of course we expected to see something including fairytale creatures, a dwarf house and probably a children's playgrund. When we arrived, there was nothing. In the eyes of a child who imagined to see some kind of rural Disneyland, the view of grass and forest certainly resulted in a huge disappointment.

As we've lately started going on not-too-distant one day trips, I've been exploring possible options and stumbled upon the fairytale land. The pictures looked promising and a day after fighting muscle soreness following the Svačica/Bielschitza trip we thought we'd give it a try. 
Another early morning wake-up, another quick drive through a beautiful part of nature and off we go. Past grassland and a clear little creek...
... To a land of watermills that drive a wonderful wooden scene
Until the first views open across the mown lawn
Time for a little detour from the main road towards the tiny pond of crystal clear water called Jezerce/Meerauge in which - according to a legend - once an oxcart disappeared within seconds only to re-appear in lake Bled weeks later.
A little more grass and forest
Until the view clears again to show what many call one of the most romantic Alpine meadows. And thank God there's no such thing as fairytale creatures, a dwarf house and a children's playgrund!
On the way back, what can be better than pure cold water from the spring and a meal with a view?

~ the end ~


  1. Oh Cheiro urgia, daß sind traumhaft schöne Fotos die Du da zeigst *schwärm*.
    Das sieht nach einem gelungenden Urlaub aus.

    Liebe Grüße sendet Dir BAstelfeti

    1. Danke BAstelfeti, dass Du mit auf Urlaub warst :) Ja es war ganz herrlich, hoffe der Sommer bleibt weiterhin so schön :)

      LG V.
