28 November, 2016

Erlangen part V - Sooo green

Having my commitments in the clinic, I couldn't possibly visit Bamberg on a daily basis. However, it wasn't even necessary as Erlangen itself offered lots of distraction. The city center might be small as such and I never made it to see any of its museums or churches from the inside, but what I loved most were its huge green areas. The Stadtpark turned out to be one of the first sights when I arrived, and served as an excellent orientation point during my discoveries. 
What fascinated me even more however, was right next door: the city's Botanical garden, home to about 4000 plants from all over the world. Due to its size of 2 hectares it really is an oasis of peace in the middle of the lively city. And even though most of its bloom was gone already by the end of September, it gave the impression of a well-kept garden that must be beyond stunning in times of summer and spring.
From Alpine plants to neatly trimmed grass, savannah-like grounds, a miniature forest, ponds and even an artificial cave - one will probably never get the feeling of "I've seen it all before".
The other day, an exhibition of apples made sure a lovely scent of autumn spread across the area :)
Apart from that, traces of color could still be found outdoors as well.
Spines in all shapes and sizes
In front of the greenhouses, a couple of pools house fish and frogs...
... Maybe even a frog-prince?
And while some prefer to hide their looks under giant leafs...
... Others display their tropical colours for everyone to see.
Is it time to get dressed already?
While most of the visitors seem to end up in the front part of the garden, the less-known areas include spices and poisonous plants, as well  as a lovely pagoda, a perect place to relax and boost ones vitamin D production :)
However, the peaceful corner might as well turn into a crime scene.
Have you noticed anything unusual, Mr. Squirrel?
Inside the greenhouses, the jungle has its charms - from cacti to colourful hibiscus blooms, orchids and giant trees...
... During particular cold and windy days, the tropical warmth turned out to be particularly handy for a short warm-up stop underneath bamboo and palm trees :)
And when I say bamboo I certainly mean the actual, more than 30 m high trees, not the tiny things that are sold in an average flower shop. 
AED in the greenhouse - how cool is that? Way. Beyond. Cool.

~ to be continued ~


  1. Zdravo, sem Suzana Čermelj. Že nekaj časa spremljam tvoj čudovit blog. Všeč so mi fotografije, še bolj pa občudujem šivane voščilnce, ki jih izdelujem tudi sama. Sem že razmišljala, da bi tudi sama odprla blog, pa nisem zadovoljna s svojim fotoaparatom in fotografijami, ki nastanejo. Tako jih objavim le na svojem FB profilu in na Pinterestu. Imam eno vprašanje glede sukancev: ali imaš kakšno izkušnjo s sukanci Stitch and do? To so kompleti svetlečih nizozemskih sukancev v različnih odtenkih, na spletu mi zgledajo zelo lepo in mi ne delujejo zelo tanki, vandar ne vem. Kakšne sukance uporabljaš ti, če ni skrivnost? Preden bi jih naročila pri Nellie Snelen bi rada še kakšno informacijo, zato ti pa pišem. Se opravičujem, če sem sitna. :) Hvala in lep pozdrav. Suzana

    1. Pozdravljena,
      Najprej hvala lepa za pohvale :) Iz tvojih rednih objav na Fadengrafik-Challenge predvidevam, da tudi ti precej šivaš. Hvala za sodelovanje, lepo je pogledat tvoje natančne izdelke.
      Glede Stitch and do ti na žalost ne morem svetovati, ker teh sukancev ne poznam. Pred leti mi je sicer sestra z Nizozemske prinesla komplet sukancev, ampak so naviti na tulce in niso svetleči, zato bi si upala trdit da niso Stitch and do.
      Sama v veliki večini primerov (razen teh nizozemskih sukancev) uporabljam kar pavole za gobelin, ki jih razdelim na posamezne niti. Barvne izbire je malo morje, pazim edino na to, da ne odrežem predolgih, ker se potem proti koncu niti nekoliko scufajo oz. zgubijo prvotni lesk.
      Imajo pa npr. v Centromerkurju v Ljubljani (verjetno še kje, ampak meni je to najbižje) tudi veliko izbiro pavol v metallic barvah, ki so mi zelo všeč ravno za kakšne praznične voščilnice.

      Meni te pavole, navadne in metallic, v bistvu tako odgovarjajo da drugih niti do danes še nisem iskala.
      Upam, da sem ti vsaj malo pomagala, čeprav na tvoje glavno vprašanje nimam odgovora.

      Pozdrav tudi tebi, V

    2. Pozdravljena,
      Ja, tudi jaz precej šivam. V bistvu me je to ustvarjanje čisto zasvojilo oz. je moja sprostitvena terapija po stresih iz službe in vsakdanjega življenja. Moram priznat, da sem na tvojem blogu dobila veliko idej in kakšno tudi direktno uporabila, upam, da ne zameriš.
      Tudi jaz veliko uporabljam kar prejice za gobeline. Letos sem jih kar nekaj nabavila med dopustom na Madžarskem, za manj kot pol cene kot pri nas (tiste od DMC, ki spreminjajo barvo. Drugače sem nabavila od Nellie Snellen (na tulcih po 20 m) in so različnih debelin, kar je fino za različne izdelke.
      Tudi, če nisi čisto odgovorila na moje vprašanje, je bilo lepo kramljati s tabo.
      Hvala in še naprej prijetno ustvarjanje. Suzana

  2. Wow!!! What incredible photographs!
