16 May, 2020

May flowers

Lily of the valley, because nothing says "May" like the scent of those tiny white bells.
I've seen them at the flower market recently, but since we had plenty of them growing in front of our apartment building, I decided to sneak downstairs and get myself one of those. Oops :) 
Knowing that their scent can be quite strong and easily gets too heavy during the night, I only took a few stems, just enough to fill my little bubble vase. 
And since they were still going strong after days, I added a little marguerite which I found along the way on my morning walk. 
A contribution to the Friday Flowerday at Holunderbluetchen.


  1. Oh ich liebe Maiglöckchen und habe sie im Garten zu stehen. Sie duften so verführerisch.

    Liebe Grüße sendet Dir BAstelfeti

    1. Vielen Dank fürs Vorbeikommen und deine Nachricht, liebe BAstelfeti! Für mich ist Maiglöckchenduft auch etwas ganz Wunderbares, ich freue mich jedes Jahr wenn ich sie sehe :)

      LG, Veronika
